Check Out Our Awesome New Website!

Check out our new website!
Our corporate culture is very important to us, simply put:
Be joyful, be present, be conscious and make a valuable contribution to the world. So don’t sit on the side lines of life, go make it happen and start your journey with Go Montreal!
Go Montreal is one of the largest and most popular hotel, entertainment and blog websites in the city. With our humble beginnings back in 2000 and being the first independent website for the city of Montreal, we are now celebrating today close to 20 years of brining you the very best Montreal has to offer. We thank our thousands of loyal users that have helped us grow exponentially in popularity and rankings on all major search engines. Our award winning Go Team, designed this just for you, locals and tourists alike, to help you find everything you need to explore Montreal all in one site. So, Eat, Stay, Play, Shop and Discover and remember Go Montreal has got it all!